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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

free download corel files

You can download many (Corel Draw)  cdr files from this blog.   Serial  Picture / Images Corel File  ( .cdr ) files free available for download Description 1 File Download:  3r Logo This is logo file of 3r. The CDR source file is free to download and study. 2 File Download:  Adobe Logo This is logo file of Adobe . The...

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

PDF to DOC Conversation


Saturday, 1 June 2013

hello world 2

vdsthis is second temp page ...

Hello World

This is just for test.... hello wo...

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Internet basic information

INTERNET & E-MAIL Internet The Internet is a collection of computer networks that connects millions of computers around the world.  Internet is a Global Network, Which provides users the access to the information available through out the world. Web Page A Web page is a document on the Web. Web pages can include text, pictures, sound and video.  The World Wide Web is also called the Web, WWW or W3. Web Site A Web site is a collection of Web pages maintained by a college, university, government agency, company or individual. Popular...

Types of Softwares

Computer Software Software, also called Programs. Software is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do and how to do it. Types of the Software Basically there are two types of the Software System Software Application Software System Software System software consists of the programs that control or maintains the operations of the computer and its devices. System software serves as the interface between user, computer and application software. There are further two types of the system software Operating System Utility Programs Operating...

Symbols of Keyboards

Symbols of Keyboards Symbol Name Symbol Name ` Grave Accent ~ Tilde ! Exclamation Sign @ Commercial AT # Hash or Number Sign $ Dollar Sign % Percent Sign ^ Circumflex Sign or Caret & Ampersand Sign or Concatenation Sign * Asterisk ( Left or opening  Parenthesis ) Right or closing Parenthesis - Hyphen _ Underscore or Low Line = ...

Window Information

Windows Windows is a family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation for personal computers Windows dominates the personal computer world, running, by some estimates, on 90% of all personal computers. Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI), virtual memory management, multitasking, and support for many peripheral devices. The name windows comes form the basic function of the operating system, it lets you look into...

Introduction to Database Management System

INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE & DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Data Data is the plural form of the latin word “Datum” Which means raw facts and figures. So Data is the collection of facts and figures, which describe entities. An entity is thing having real existence. Data Types Alphabetic data. Numeric data. AlphaNumeric data Sound Images Video Pointing Data Management or Processing of Data: - Making the data resource of an organization available...

Juniad Jamshad View about Pakistan.


Categories and Classification of Computers

Categories of Computers There are three major ways to categories Computers. Size & Speed: By size and speed computers divided into 4 classification, depending upon the capacity and speed of processing the data Working Principal: By working behaviors computers divided into 3 types, depending upon the data and how computers process the data Technology: By technology computers divided into 5 generation, each generation has different hardware manufacturing technology. Classification of Computers (By Size & speed) Micro or Personal Computers A...

Generation of Computer

Generation of Computer Generation” in computer talk is a new step in hardware or software technology. Different generations of computer are as follows: Generation Technology Description 1st Generation (1942-1955) Vacuum Taube Vacuum tubes (fragile glass device) were the only electronic component available during those days that possible to make electronic digital computer. These computers can calculate data in millisecond; these were very large in size. Examples: UNIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC 2nd Generation (1956-1964) Transistor The...

Photoshop Tool box Overview

Photoshop Tool box Overview The toolbox contains the main tools for working on images. Click any tool to select and use it. A small arrow next to a tool in the toolbox indicates that the tool also has additional options available. In Photoshop, click and hold your mouse on a tool to see its options. For example, if you click and hold on the select tool, you'll see select options such as eliptical selction, single row selection, etc.     ...

Network basic terms

DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORK Terms Communication Communication means to an exchange of information between two or more parties and it can be exchange in a Varity of way. Data or computer Communication is the transmission of data and information over a communications channel between two computers which can be several different things Channel, in communications (sometimes called communications channel), refers to the medium used to convey...

Microsoft Excel 2007

Microsoft Excel 2007 Spreadsheet The word "spreadsheet" came from "spread" in its sense of a newspaper or magazine item (text and/or graphics) that covers two facing pages, extending across the center fold and treating the two pages as one large one. The compound word "spread-sheet" came to mean the format used to present book-keeping ledgers—with columns for categories of expenditures across the top, invoices listed down the left margin, and the amount of each payment in the cell where its row and column intersect—which were, traditionally,...

Microsoftw Word 2007

Microsoft Word 2007 Word Processor Word Processor is software that helps you to create any type of written communication like a letter, a report, a memo, or any other type of correspondence or text data.                   (i.e. Microsoft Word, Word Pad ,Word Star and Word Perfect are the common word processors). But the Microsoft Word is popular word processor. MS Word 2007 Microsoft Word is part of the Microsoft Office. Its main function is for...


INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM The word “Computer” has been derived from the Latin word “Compute” which means to Calculate A computer is an programmable electronic device that can accept data, perform arithmetic (+,-,x,/) & logical (<,>,=,≠) operation on the data, produce the required results. Normally, a computer is considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logical operations at a great speed. Components of Computer Basically, a computer consists of four components Hardware: The physical or tangible...

Corel Draw Introduction

Corel Draw Graphics Design using Corel Draw Corel draw is graphics application that is used to design advertisement, logo, cads, broachers, newsletters, banners, images, and so on, for print or for web. An artwork developed in CorelDraw is referred as a drawing. Each component created in a drawing such as line, text, curve, symbols or image is referred as an object. Each object in a drawing stores its own attributes, such as shape, size,...

Image Formats

Image Formats The following are some common formats with brief definitions of their uses. Note that Photoshop can handle many other graphics formats as well. Bitmap (.bmp). This is a standard graphics file format for Windows. GIF (.gif). GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. It is one of the three common graphics formats you can use for Web publishing. Because it is a compressed format, it takes less time to send by modem. JPEG (.jpg). JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. JPEG is another popular format for Web publishing. PDF...

Adobe Photoshop Introduction

Graphics Design using Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published byAdobe Systems Incorporated. Photoshop is still the ultimate graphics program, although it's far different from the first version released about 15 years ago. Even though it's mainly used for photo retouching and image manipulation, you can also use it to create original art, either from scratch or based on a photograph. You can even use it to set type and turn plain fonts into gleaming metal or three-dimensional...

Hyper Text Markup Language

Web Development using HTML HTML & The Internet The Internet (sometimes called “the Net” for short) is a network of computers linked together. It started in 1969 as a US military experiment to share computer resources more efficiently. Later, it was expanded to include colleges and research facilities. Today, the Net has grown into a massive public broadcast medium. It is an international network of mixed computer technology with more than 600 million users using several different computer languages called protocols. HTML is one...